+1. Is this our hobby?
    This isn't just a hobby; it's our passion and profession. We are deeply committed to the study of butterflies, having earned our master's degrees in Biology from Eastern New Mexico University, USA, with a focus on Lepidoptera. Our devotion drives us to continually explore new territories, delve into scientific literature, and uncover fresh discoveries about these fascinating creatures. Butterflies are an integral part of our lives, and we strive to contribute meaningfully to their conservation and scientific understanding.

    +2. Why care butterflies?
    Insects, including butterflies, are crucial for our survival. They pollinate plants that provide our food, and serve as a food source for birds, reptiles, and other higher organisms. Beyond their beauty, butterflies play a vital role in maintaining ecosystem balance. However, they are highly sensitive to environmental changes, and many species rely on specific conditions and host plants to complete their life cycles. Sadly, the changing climate is leading to a decline in their populations worldwide, highlighting the urgent need for conservation efforts to protect these vital creatures.

    +3. Are we an organization?
    No, we're not an organization. We're simply a passionate couple united by our love for butterflies. Our obsession drives us to learn, explore, and share our knowledge with others, inspiring a deeper appreciation for these magnificent creatures and the importance of conservation.

    +4. What is our vision/goal?
    Our vision, especially through this website, is to showcase the breathtaking beauty of butterflies in their natural habitats through captivating photography, raising public awareness and appreciation for these delicate creatures. Our ultimate goal is to contribute to their conservation and protection. Personally, we are driven by a passion to discover and observe as many butterfly species as possible, fueling our own wonder and awe for the natural world.

    +5. Where does the money to travel come from?
    We fund our travels through a combination of careful budgeting and prioritization. As students, we lead a frugal lifestyle, allocating most of our earnings towards exploring new destinations and investing in photography equipment. It's not always easy, but our passion for butterflies and photography motivates us to make sacrifices and make the most of our limited resources.

    +6. What will the world/society benefit from this?
    Our work contributes to the vital field of biodiversity research, which benefits society as a whole. By exploring and documenting butterfly species, we expand our knowledge and raise awareness about the importance of conservation. Our research, published in peer-reviewed journals and newspapers, informs and inspires others to join the effort. Moreover, we've had the privilege of inspiring young minds to pursue careers in science and conservation, ensuring a future generation of passionate researchers and environmental stewards.

    +7. What is our current focus?
    Our current focus is on the vibrant and diverse Neotropical species of butterflies. We're eagerly planning expeditions to Central and South America, where we'll immerse ourselves in the region's breathtaking butterfly fauna. We're diligently saving and preparing for these adventures, which will allow us to explore new habitats, discover hidden gems, and contribute to the scientific community's understanding of these magnificent creatures.

    +8. Are we looking for collaborators?
    We're always open to collaborating with like-minded individuals and organizations! If you're planning a trip or expedition, consider inviting us to join you. We'd love to combine our passion for butterfly research and photography with your endeavors, sharing knowledge, resources, and expertise to achieve even more together. Let's explore and discover the wonders of the natural world collaboratively!
